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How to change the capitalization or cases of selected texts in Microsoft word

SHORT-CUT KEYS FOR CAPITALIZATION OR CASES OF TEXTS In Microsoft Word , Capitalisation refers to the use of uppercase or lowercase letters in a document. Microsoft Word offers various features and techniques to change the capitalization of letters in a document. Microsoft Word, being a popular word processing software, provides a wide range of keyboard shortcuts to enhance productivity and perform various actions quickly.  In today's fast-paced digital world, efficiency and productivity are key factors in accomplishing tasks quickly and effectively. One powerful tool that aids in boosting productivity is the use of keyboard shortcut keys. Keyboard shortcuts provide a convenient and time-saving way to perform various actions on a computer, allowing users to navigate applications, execute commands, and access features effortlessly. This essay explores the significance and benefits of keyboard shortcut keys, highlighting their role in enhancing efficiency and streamlining workflow.


Resistance per unit length of a given wire viva questions with answers


Experiment No - 01: To determine the resistance per unit length of a given wire by plotting a graph for Current (I) versus Potential difference (V)

01. State Ohm's law?

Answer: Ohm's law states that the electric current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference across its ends provided that physical conditions like temperature and pressure remain the same.

02. Why a large amount of current is not preferred in the experiment?

Answer: When a large current passes, the conductor gets heated more, and hence its resistance changes.

03. What is the reciprocal of resistance? With what unit has it been measured?

Answer: Reciprocal resistance is conductance. It's measured in terms of mho or siemens.

04. What is the resistance of a conductor?

Answer: It is the opposition offered by the conductor for the flow of current through the conductor.

05. How the resistance of the conductor varies with the length of the conductor?

Answer: The resistance of the conductor is directly proportional to its length.

06. What is an Ohmic conductor? Give an example of it.

Answer: The conductor wishes always ohm's law is called an ohmic conductor. Example: silver, copper, aluminum, etc 

07. What is the S I unit of Resistance?

Answer: ohm 

08. In the above experiments two seats of readings were taken. The conductor is heated and two more voltage and current readings were taken. Will the four points form a straight line in the graph? why?

Answer: No. Because the resistance change with the temperature. Hence 2 points corresponding to the readings taken after heating the conductor from a different straight line.

09. What is the resistance of an open key?

Answer: Infinite.

10. Which physical quantity does the slope of the I - V graph gives?

Answer: Conductance.

11. Which physical quantity does the slope of the I - V graph gives?

Answer: Resistance.

12. How do you conclude that the conductor used in the above experiment has obeyed ohm's law?

Answer: I - V graph obtained is a straight line. Hence ohm's law is obeyed.

13. On what factors does the resistance of a conductor depend?

Answer: Length of the conductor, area of a cross-section, type of conductor, and temperature.

14. Length of the material is halved. What happens to its resistance?

Answer: Resistance will be halved.
