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How to change the capitalization or cases of selected texts in Microsoft word

SHORT-CUT KEYS FOR CAPITALIZATION OR CASES OF TEXTS In Microsoft Word , Capitalisation refers to the use of uppercase or lowercase letters in a document. Microsoft Word offers various features and techniques to change the capitalization of letters in a document. Microsoft Word, being a popular word processing software, provides a wide range of keyboard shortcuts to enhance productivity and perform various actions quickly.  In today's fast-paced digital world, efficiency and productivity are key factors in accomplishing tasks quickly and effectively. One powerful tool that aids in boosting productivity is the use of keyboard shortcut keys. Keyboard shortcuts provide a convenient and time-saving way to perform various actions on a computer, allowing users to navigate applications, execute commands, and access features effortlessly. This essay explores the significance and benefits of keyboard shortcut keys, highlighting their role in enhancing efficiency and streamlining workflow.


Conversation of galvanometer into ammeter and voltmeter Viva - Voce questions with answers



Experiment No - 07: To convert the given galvanometer of known resistance and figure of merit into a voltmeter of desired range and verify the same

Question 01. What is an ammeter?
Answer: It's an instrument used to measure current.

Question 02. What is a voltmeter?
Answer: It's an instrument used to measure the potential difference.

Question 03. How do you connect an ammeter to a circuit?
Answer: An ammeter is always connected in a series combination.

Question 04. How do you connect a voltmeter to a circuit?
Answer: An voltmeter is always connected in parallel combination.

Question 05. How do you convert a galvanometer into a voltmeter?
Answer: By connecting very high resistance in series with the galvanometer.

Question 06. How do you convert a galvanometer into an ammeter?
Answer: By connecting a very low resistance in parallel with the galvanometer.

Question 07. Why can't we use a galvanometer directly as an ammeter or voltmeter? 
Answer: An ammeter should have very low and a voltmeter should have very high resistance. But the resistance of a galvanometer is neither very high nor very low.

Question 08. What is the resistance of an ideal ammeter?
Answer: Zero.

Question 09. What is the resistance of an ideal voltmeter?
Answer: Infinity.

Question 10. Can you convert a voltmeter into an ammeter and vice versa? How?
Answer: Yes,
To convert a voltmeter into an ammeter connect a very low resistance in parallel with the voltmeter. 
To convert an ammeter into a voltmeter connect a very high resistance in series with an ammeter.

Question 11. A galvanometer is converted into a voltmeter of range ' V ' volts. If the range has to be increased how should the series resistance be varied?
Answer: Increase the series resistance.

Question 12. A galvanometer is converted into an ammeter of range ' I ' amperes. If the range has to be increased how should the shunt resistance be varied? 
Answer: Decrease the shunt resistance.
