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How to change the capitalization or cases of selected texts in Microsoft word

SHORT-CUT KEYS FOR CAPITALIZATION OR CASES OF TEXTS In Microsoft Word , Capitalisation refers to the use of uppercase or lowercase letters in a document. Microsoft Word offers various features and techniques to change the capitalization of letters in a document. Microsoft Word, being a popular word processing software, provides a wide range of keyboard shortcuts to enhance productivity and perform various actions quickly.  In today's fast-paced digital world, efficiency and productivity are key factors in accomplishing tasks quickly and effectively. One powerful tool that aids in boosting productivity is the use of keyboard shortcut keys. Keyboard shortcuts provide a convenient and time-saving way to perform various actions on a computer, allowing users to navigate applications, execute commands, and access features effortlessly. This essay explores the significance and benefits of keyboard shortcut keys, highlighting their role in enhancing efficiency and streamlining workflow.


Resistance of the given wire using metre bridge wire viva questions with answers



Experiment No - 01: To determine the resistance of the given wire using a meter bridge and hence to find the resistivity of the material

01. Define resistivity or specific resistance of a material of a conductor?
Answer: it is the resistance of the material having a unit length and unit area of a cross-section.

02. Does resistivity depend upon the length and area of a cross-section of the material?
Answer: No.

03. On what factors does the resistivity of a material depend?
Answer: Resistivity depends upon the material and the temperature.

04. What happens when the length of the conductor is doubled. What will be its new resistivity?
Answer: Resistivity remains the same.

05. What is the principle of a metre bridge?
Answer: The principle of the meter bridge is to balance Wheatstone's network.

06. What is meant by balancing length in a meter bridge?
Answer: Balancing length is the length of the meter bridge wire at which the galvanometer shows zero deflection.

07. Why is the meter bridge preferred to measure the resistance?
Answer: It employs the null method to measure resistance. Hence no error occurs in the measurement of the resistance.

08. What is the null point?
Answer: Null point is a point on the meter bridge wire, at which a galvanometer is connected through Jockey which shows zero deflection.

09. While performing this experiment, after completing two trials, the galvanometer is changed and two more trials were performed. Is the unknown resistance value obtained in the last two trials different from the first two trials? Why?
Answer: No. Resistance will not change because the balancing condition is not decided by the resistance of the galvanometer.

10. In a meter bridge circuit, the galvanometer shows deflection on one side only. What may be wrong with the circuit?
Answer: There are two conditions as follows below:
A) Resistance in the right gap may not be unplugged (zero ohms)
B) Left gap (where unknown resistance is connected) may be short.

11. Balancing length as measured from the left side in a meter bridge is more than 50 cm. If R and S are resistances in the left and right gaps respectively then which resistance is greater?
Answer: R > S

12. Resistance in the right gap of a meter bridge is increased. What happens to the balancing length?
Answer: Balancing length decreases.

13. The known resistance in the right gap of the meter bridge is kept at zero ohm. What will be the balancing length?
Answer: Galvanometer will not show zero deflection.
